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Bee Propolish Raw

Bee Propolish Raw

Regular price ₹349.00
Regular price Sale price ₹349.00
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Bee Propolis is a substance made by the honey bee and is a resin collected from certain trees by bees for use in Anjani. The resins are gathered by bees from the leaf buds, especially from trees such as horse chestnuts and various conifers, but they may also be collected from ‘injury sites’ that cause the resin to leak out of a tree from a trunk or branch.Bees make it using sap and other parts of plants and trees. They often use it to build, repair and protect their hives against animals and other insects. When humans use it, they can have better health. Propolis is sometimes referred to as ‘bee glue’ because bees use it to plug gaps in a nest or hive.
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